Apartmentguide.com – Let the Site be your Guide

Technology Tuesday

Apartmentguide.com is basically like every other home search website, but has a few unique features that have not been integrated before. For a new buyer, or someone who is simply looking for a new apartment, this website has is generalized in apartment searches. All you have to do is visit the website, go to the search bar and type an address, zip code, or a local army base. It is really that simple to accomplish your apartment search in under 30 seconds.



After you type in an address or zip code you will be presented with a listing of apartments that are located in your area. The first primary search that appears is showing every apartment listing within 5 miles of your suggested address. You will also have the options to expand this search all the way up to 100 miles from your chosen location. After choosing your distance the search engine will come up with the best results for your search query. When the engine learns about your location it will then give you a “Spotlight Property” that may be best for you. Spotlight Properties show special offers on apartments in your area, which can help for buyers whom are looking for the best deal.


There are a load of search options when it comes to finding the perfect apartment. Buyers can choose from price range, bedrooms, bathrooms, apartment features, community features, special features, term, and property name. These are excellent options when it comes to finding the perfect apartment in a short amount of time. Underneath all of the housing options there is a list of nearby neighborhoods and cities. Being able to see locations that are around your suggested area is a breath of fresh air, and is beneficial for someone who is new to the area.

When a user chooses the apartment they are interested in, they are given information about what is being offered with the housing unit. Sounds like the same old apartment searching website doesn’t it? Well luckily Apartmentguide.com has information about more than just the apartment unlike all of the other websites out there. On the chosen apartments page you will see a large grey box that says Check Availability. This box is used for people whom are interested in the apartment to contact the owner and see if the apartment is still available, and that the listing is not in fact old.

Options to check your credit score and text the listing to your cell phone is quite refreshing. If you are in a rush and cannot view the listing online then you can simply just send the listing to your phone and view it on the go. There is a listing of schools in the surrounding area which lists the School Name, Grades, and school type. A demographic listing is also included so that new buyers can get an idea of what type of people inhabit the area they plan on moving to.

Apartmentguide.com happens to be a very simplistic and refreshing website. Most house hunting websites overdo it with all the fancy designs and whatnot. This website keeps it simple and leads users to exactly what they are looking for. If you are searching specifically for an apartment, then make sure to visit this website first.

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