Money Secrets of the Amish

An Author Wednesday Interview with Lorilee Craker, author of “Money Secrets of the Amish: Finding True Abundance in Simplicity, Sharing, and Saving

Money Secrets of the Amish offers the money-saving and wealth-building secrets of America’s thriftiest people, the Amish. Within its pages, Lorilee Craker takes readers on an “Amish money makeover,” learning how to flex their thrifty muscle, make smart choices, be content with less, and develop restraint in a materialistic world. Plus they learn simple environmentally friendly, green living tips that not only save greenbacks but have long lasting benefits for the earth.

Read more for the rest of this great author interview and to learn how you can win a copy of Lorilee’s book!

Q. Thanks for the interview. Can we begin by having you tell us a little bit about yourself and how long you’ve been working in and writing about this topic?

A. “Money Secrets of the Amish” is my 11th book, which is hard for even me to believe. I was approached about writing the book because of my Mennonite background, but at first I didn’t think there was much of a link. After awhile, as I got working on the book, I realized that yes, there were some real connections between the Amish and the Mennonites. I’d like to think the Amish trusted me a bit more because of that connection.

Q. What’s your new book about? Why did you write it? What main message will readers take away from it?

A. My book is Amish-inspired principles for living abundantly on less money, with a focus on real-world thrifty practices such as UWMD (Use it up, Wear it out, Make do and Do without), by being garage sale and thrift store chic, bartering, farm-to-table practices, and other techniques. I hope readers will come away from the book bubbling over with ideas for how they can simplify, save, and still live a satisfying life!

Q. What inspired you to write this book?

A. What kick-started the whole thing was a report on NPR (National Public Radio) in December of 2008, about how the economy was collapsing, yet a bank in Lancaster, Pennsylvania which catered to the Amish, had their very best year ever. What were the Amish doing, money-wise, that we could learn from? My husband and I were definitely recession-challenged, so it became a personal mission, to find out for myself what I could learn from the Amish about getting my finances in shape and living well on a shoestring.

Q. What were some of the greatest discoveries, lessons, or findings you came across while doing research and writing this book?

A. That’s a fantastic question! I discovered, among other things, that something “doesn’t have to be new to be good,” which led to me becoming a huge thrift shopper. Also, the Amish know how to eat incredibly well yet cheaply, and I’ve incorporated that into my life as well. Most of all, I learned that the best things in life, like time spent with family and friends, is free.

Q. What do you feel sets your book apart from others in the same genre?

A. It’s all about the Amish. No other book on money has ever culled their singular money wisdom like this one does, plus its really fun and personable.

Q. What are 5 things everyone should know in your area of expertise?

  1. We need to take a page from the Amish and be content with what we have, not what we want.
  2. Like our Plain friends, we should learn to use our clothes, cars, and other items until they are truly used up, not until they show a little wear and tear.
  3. It’s incredible what can be found at thrift stores and garage sales, and the hunt is more fun and exciting than a trip to the mall—a lot greener too!
  4. We need to think outside our cash economy for ways to barter or swap the things we have for the things we want (and pay nothing!)
  5. Buying food directly from a farmer is not only much healthier and greener, but it often means you can save big and still eat like a king or queen.

Q. What does your typical day look like?

A. I sleep as late as possible. Unlike the Amish, I am a person who loves to sleep! But seriously, I usually get my cherubs off to school and then have my coffee and get writing. I write as much as I can, and then when school’s over the chauffeuring begins in earnest. About once a week in the summer, we visit an Amish family about an hour away from us, to learn from them and also just enjoy their friendship and the peace of their farm.

Q. If someone were a complete newbie when it comes to the topic of your book, what are some steps they could take to dive in and get more educated in this area. (Besides reading your book of course!)

A. Visit a thrift store in a wealthy area of your city, or a farmers market. Check out my blog,, or some other nifty, thrifty blogs such as or Read a novel about the Amish, or even watch a movie like “Amish Grace.”

Q. If you could write 1 Golden Rule to take away from your book, what would it be and why?

A. Frugal living turns out to be a more meaningful, thoughtful, and gratifying way of life than just spending recklessly and it’s also way more fun!

Q. Thank you for the interview Lorilee! Would you like to share where we can find you on the web and how we can buy your book?

A. You can find out more information on where to buy the books on,, and, bookstores everywhere!

About the Author: Lorilee Craker is a native of Winnipeg, Manitoba, but now she lives and writes in West Michigan, where she is a regular contributor to the entertainment pages of the Grand Rapids Press.  She is also the author of eleven books, including the New York Times bestseller Through the Storm with Lynne Spears.  Lorilee lives in a rambling 1924 house with her husband, Doyle, three children, and way too many pets.

For more information about the author:

WRITE A COMMENT: Times are tough and we want to know how you are doing!  Need to be on a tighter budget? Want to learn how to live “skinny”? Know you spend too much?  We want to know how you are doing, how you are managing and what you think you can do better. In other words, why do you need this book?  The book won’t be given to the nth participant, but to the best story! Please include an email address we can contact you at if you are the chosen winner!

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