HabitChanger.com – Break Your Bad Habits in Just 42 Days

Technology Tuesday

Most of our everyday lives are habitual and without conscious decisions about these tendencies, they become very hard to break. But whether they are good or bad, habits can be changed to make your life significantly better. Habit Changer is a website and application that motivate individuals to correct these bad habits in approximately a month and a half.



This program is designed to provide features that will keep in constant contact with its clients. There are specified programs that help with personal finance decisions, money and relationships, and how to maintain good habits. About 86% of participants became more attentive of their habits and 69% changed their actions due to this realization.


habit changerThe 42-day program is specialized for each individual with a reminder of daily challenges to encourage individuals to break their routines and make a change. As a personal life coach, Habit Changer reminds you via text and e-mail about how to change how to deal with your current financial situation. It discovers how you feel about yourself, what you think you deserve to have in your life and traditions and values you have grown accustomed to.


Habit Changer studies your behavior, beliefs, and customs to create a personalized set of instructions necessary to help you challenge yourself through a detailed schedule and list of tasks to complete. To break a habit takes 21 days and to build a new one also takes 21 days, hence the 42 day program that helps you transform your life.

Money has always been on the mind o f those who are trying to make a living and with the Money & You program, it targets the source of the problem and attacks it at the core. With the list of new skills for better financial planning, Habit Changer Changelets also provides thorough support and constant cues to stay on the proper track. If you have a habit you cannot escape, take a chance with this 42 day program! Download the Habit Changer app for your iPhone or visit the site to sign-up for a program for a small fee!


This guest post is part of our Technology Tuesday Series. We seek out the latest and greatest technology companies out there whom we feel offer cutting edge products and services to consumers. Our readers are interested in the financial and real estate industries as consumers and professionals. If you feel that you or your company has something wonderful to offer and would like to write about it, please contact us at liz@dalesiegel.com

This guest post is part of our Technology Tuesday Series. We seek out the latest and greatest technology companies out there whom we feel offer cutting edge products and services to consumers. Our readers are interested in the financial and real estate industries as consumers and professionals. If you feel that you or your company has something wonderful to offer and would like to write about it, please contact us at liz@dalesiegel.com

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